"Soul Garden" Fine Art Print

"Soul Garden" Fine Art Print

from $20.00

Allow yourself to bloom and be who you truly are ❀

Fine art giclée print on textured stock that mimics gessoed canvas. Giclée printing is fade-resistant, pigment-based, archival quality, inkjet printing. Giclée printed artwork is the highest quality of both printing and paper. Your print will have both beautiful and vibrant color, paired alongside a durable canvas paper with a velvety, matte finish.

  • All prints & sizes come with a white border

  • Four sizes available

  • Print Care below

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Size guide available in photos. Each size will be shown being held by me for size accuracy.

Print Care

Open your print with clean and dry hands. Oils from your skin may compromise or harm the integrity of the artwork. Wash hands before handling; gloves recommended.

For best practices, place your print behind a frame for added longevity of color saturation and paper quality. Moisture from the air harm your artwork; displaying in a room with limited moisture and behind a frame will guarntee a longer-lasting artwork.


Please allow 5-7 days for your print to be shipped. Tracking information will be sent to the email address provided during checkout.

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